Want your child to experience

Want your child to experience the Future of Education?

the Future of Education?

Discover our programs designed to meet diverse educational needs and aspirations. Join us in-person in Texas and Florida, online, or soon in a city near you!

Get 2 Hour Learning In Person

Alpha School

Unlock your child’s potential with accelerated academics and life skills.

Alpha High School

Empower teens’ success with world-class projects and life skills.

Texas Sports Academy

Develop champions through integrated academics and active learning.

GT School

Nurture gifted and talented minds through academic challenges.

Next Gen Academy

Transform gaming passion into academic excellence and life skills.

Valenta Academy

Coming soon to Bastrop, TX!

Get 2 Hour Learning Virtually

Alpha Anywhere

Bring accelerated learning home with personalized academics and life skills


Guide ambitious students afterschool through life skills.


Welcome to the nation’s first virtual, tuition-free charter school in AZ.

The Novatio

The first virtual, bilingual immersion school in AZ.

2 Hour Learning for a Better Future

Learn + Earn

Enable Ukrainian students access to free education and learning experiences

We’ve got something
for every student.

We’ve got something for every student.

Looking forward to being a part of your child’s educational journey!