Why do we still teach

Why do we still teach the way we did

the way we did

100 years ago?

The traditional education system is failing our children.


The results have been terrible

The results have
been terrible

Stagnant Academic Growth

The average high school senior scores no better on nationwide tests than the best 3rd grader.

Our education system is stuck, failing to help students grow academically, but the fact is that a teacher-in-front-of-classroom model can never adapt to the unique needs and pace of each unique learner.

Declining Student Happiness

Students’ happiest days are in kindergarten, but their happiness steadily decreases each year.

This trend continues until they are high school juniors, after which there is an uptick. Is it because they’ve found their passion or gained understanding? No, it’s because they finally see a way out.

Widening Knowledge Gaps

The post-COVID knowledge gap in classrooms is wider than ever, exposing just how much students struggle to keep up.

The current system doesn’t even equip students to excel in the classroom, let alone prepare them for life beyond school.

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