Swiss Adventures: Alpha Students Take Learning to New Heights

Swiss Adventures: Alpha Students Take Learning to New Heights, with its breathtaking landscapes and precision, turned into a fantastic classroom under the skies for a group of intrepid Alpha students. This journey was about living the 2hr Learning model, where school can be anywhere, and learning knows no bounds. Our partnership with John F.Continue reading “Swiss Adventures: Alpha Students Take Learning to New Heights”

From Experience: The Deeper Impact of Learning by Doing

From Experience: The Deeper Impact of Learning by Doing Have you ever noticed how the lessons that stick with us the most are those we’ve learned through direct experience? There’s an undeniable magic in “learning by doing” that textbooks simply can’t capture. In the 2hr Learning environment, where every minute counts, integrating experiential learning isContinue reading “From Experience: The Deeper Impact of Learning by Doing”

Meet Our Lead EQ Guide Ashley Wagner

Meet Our Lead EQ Guide Ashley Wagner: Bringing the Olympic Perspectives to Learning We’re thrilled to introduce Ashley Wagner, our new Lead EQ Guide at 2hr Learning. Ashley, a former professional figure skater and Olympian, brings a wealth of experience in grit and resilience, which are key to our educational philosophy. In her interview, AshleyContinue reading “Meet Our Lead EQ Guide Ashley Wagner”

The Ins and Outs of Motivation

The Ins and Outs of Motivation: Why Being Motivated Is Key To Success In School Parents often meet resistance when encouraging their children to engage with schoolwork.“You have to do it!”“But whyyyy?”“You just have to!”The common response is mostly insistence – as if inherent determination alone should suffice – ignoring the underlying reasons for theirContinue reading “The Ins and Outs of Motivation”

One System Must Fit All: Rethinking Education for the Individual

One System Must Fit All: Rethinking Education for the Individual Our current education system aims to serve the hypothetical “average” student. However, with diverse learning needs and styles, one standardized approach cannot effectively nurture every child’s potential. At many schools, those who struggle fall further behind, while those who excel hit a ceiling.We believe thatContinue reading “One System Must Fit All: Rethinking Education for the Individual”

Understanding The Role Of Standardized Testing In The Educational Experience

Understanding The Role Of Standardized Testing In The Educational Experience Contentious yet widely used, standardized tests are commonly employed to gauge aptitude. With 2hr Learning, we’re flipping the script on standardized testing and transforming the way we measure student success.Often seen as daunting hurdles for students or reductive elements of education, these tests have stirredContinue reading “Understanding The Role Of Standardized Testing In The Educational Experience”

10 Life Skills Your Child Should Learn ASAP

10 Life Skills Your Child Should Learn ASAP In an ever-evolving world, success and growth hinge not just on academic achievements but significantly on life skills and personal development. Research consistently highlights the critical role these skills play in a child’s overall development, preparing them for the complex challenges of adult life. According to aContinue reading “10 Life Skills Your Child Should Learn ASAP”

10 Problems With Traditional School

10 Problems With Traditional School According to recent data from the National Center for Education Statistics, private elementary and secondary school enrollment is on the rise. This should come as no surprise, as parents are becoming increasingly aware of the public educational system’s many shortcomings and the lack of will (or ability) to make impactfulContinue reading “10 Problems With Traditional School”

Rethinking Education: The AI Revolution and the Power of 2hr Learning

Rethinking Education: The AI Revolution and the Power of 2hr Learning In a riveting SXSW session, MacKenzie Price, alongside Anna Davlantes, delves into how AI can fundamentally transform the traditional education system. By implementing a 2-hour learning model, Alpha School offers personalized, efficient education, enabling students to explore and excel in their interests beyond theContinue reading “Rethinking Education: The AI Revolution and the Power of 2hr Learning”

Potential, Unleashed: Start Your Own school With Our 2hr Learning Model

Potential, Unleashed: Start Your Own school With Our 2hr Learning Model Prefer to listen? Check out Mackenzie Price’s Future of Education podcast below/here. In 2014, MacKenzie Price and Brian Holtz teamed up to build the first Alpha School in the United States. Set in Austin, Texas, it became the first academic institution to pioneer theContinue reading “Potential, Unleashed: Start Your Own school With Our 2hr Learning Model”

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