Mindset Matters: Unlocking Potential Through a Growth Mindset

Mindset Matters: Unlocking Potential Through a Growth Mindset How do you view challenges?A) I avoid them.B) I embrace them. If you answered A: Fixed Mindset: Challenges are seen as obstacles. Consider shifting your perspective to view challenges as opportunities to grow. If you answered B: Growth Mindset: Embracing challenges fosters growth and development. Keep itContinue reading “Mindset Matters: Unlocking Potential Through a Growth Mindset”

Empowering The Path to a Brighter Tomorrow

Unlocking Potential in Kids: Empowering The Path to a Brighter Tomorrow In a world where kids are told that they ‘won’t be able to’, we believe in telling them they ‘absolutely can’. At 17, Joan of Arc led an army to victory. Malala Yousafzai became a Nobel laureate, championing girls’ education worldwide. Greta Thunberg sparkedContinue reading “Empowering The Path to a Brighter Tomorrow”

Innovation In Education: Bringing About The Future

Innovation In Education: Bringing About The Future In the recent past, change has often arrived like a forceful gust of wind, seemingly disruptive, unpredictable, and even scary. Our first instinct is to shut the windows and lock the doors until it passes. But the wise know that change, while uncomfortable at first, brings fresh airContinue reading “Innovation In Education: Bringing About The Future”

Swiss Adventures: Alpha Students Take Learning to New Heights

Swiss Adventures: Alpha Students Take Learning to New Heights https://go.alpha.school/hubfs/Alpha%20%2B%20Switzerland%20V1.movSwitzerland, with its breathtaking landscapes and precision, turned into a fantastic classroom under the skies for a group of intrepid Alpha students. This journey was about living the 2hr Learning model, where school can be anywhere, and learning knows no bounds. Our partnership with John F.Continue reading “Swiss Adventures: Alpha Students Take Learning to New Heights”

From Experience: The Deeper Impact of Learning by Doing

From Experience: The Deeper Impact of Learning by Doing Have you ever noticed how the lessons that stick with us the most are those we’ve learned through direct experience? There’s an undeniable magic in “learning by doing” that textbooks simply can’t capture. In the 2hr Learning environment, where every minute counts, integrating experiential learning isContinue reading “From Experience: The Deeper Impact of Learning by Doing”

Meet Our Lead EQ Guide Ashley Wagner

Meet Our Lead EQ Guide Ashley Wagner: Bringing the Olympic Perspectives to Learning We’re thrilled to introduce Ashley Wagner, our new Lead EQ Guide at 2hr Learning. Ashley, a former professional figure skater and Olympian, brings a wealth of experience in grit and resilience, which are key to our educational philosophy. In her interview, AshleyContinue reading “Meet Our Lead EQ Guide Ashley Wagner”

The Ins and Outs of Motivation

The Ins and Outs of Motivation: Why Being Motivated Is Key To Success In School Parents often meet resistance when encouraging their children to engage with schoolwork.“You have to do it!”“But whyyyy?”“You just have to!”The common response is mostly insistence – as if inherent determination alone should suffice – ignoring the underlying reasons for theirContinue reading “The Ins and Outs of Motivation”

One System Must Fit All: Rethinking Education for the Individual

One System Must Fit All: Rethinking Education for the Individual Our current education system aims to serve the hypothetical “average” student. However, with diverse learning needs and styles, one standardized approach cannot effectively nurture every child’s potential. At many schools, those who struggle fall further behind, while those who excel hit a ceiling.We believe thatContinue reading “One System Must Fit All: Rethinking Education for the Individual”