The Ins and Outs of Motivation

The Ins and Outs of Motivation: Why Being Motivated Is Key To Success In School

Parents often meet resistance when encouraging their children to engage with schoolwork.

“You have to do it!”

“But whyyyy?”

“You just have to!”

The common response is mostly insistence – as if inherent determination alone should suffice – ignoring the underlying reasons for their lack of motivation. Children keenly and curiously want to understand why they should do what they are told to do. 

And isn’t that a fair question? 

Traditional learning environments often teach with imperatives and instructions, leaving no room for questioning or understanding the logic behind it all.

Current Challenges

Traditional educational environments fail to engage students due to the lack of attention to individual differences in learning patterns and motivation. This results in students feeling disconnected from the learning material and indifferent towards the outcomes.

Our Motivation Model

Our adaptive AI-powered learning paths meet students at their level and show them the most efficient way forward. When kids see where they’re going wrong and have the tools to find a way forward, they will be inclined to try until they get it right. Small victories in every lesson bolster them to learn more.

For sustained success and a love for learning, however, our model leverages intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. 

Intrinsic motivation arises from within the student, driven by an internal desire to learn and succeed for personal satisfaction. Within kids, this has to be developed, not expected. And the way to do that is via…

Extrinsic motivation, which on the other hand, involves external rewards such as grades, praise, or other incentives. These fuel the want to excel, giving kids an anchor in the form of a clear reward. 

Intrinsic Motivation at 2hr Learning

By having guides who connect learning with students’ interests and promptly address their struggles, we enhance their inner drive. Project-based learning allows students to see why excelling matters for them and the world. By including them in the process as leaders of their own educational journey, we make them active participants and validate their feelings, deepening their engagement and celebrating their achievements.

Extrinsic Motivation at 2hr Learning

Intrinsic motivation cannot stand alone. We strategically utilize extrinsic rewards such as badges, points, and certificates. These provide visible and tangible recognition of students’ efforts and achievements, nurturing consistent engagement and ensuring that natural satisfaction and joy from achievements are supported.

But Does It Work?

You bet it does. Our approach has yielded impressive educational outcomes. 

Targeted Recognition:

Simple recognitions like shoutouts for individual achievements have proven effective. For example, one student improved from the 40th to the 90th percentile in reading comprehension within one term after verbal praise, highlighting the impact of valuing student effort.

Collective and Interest-Based Incentives:

Collective rewards, like themed days, increased lesson completion from 380 to 495 in a week. Interest-driven incentives, such as planning a school event related to personal passions, improved task completion rates and work quality.

Creative and Project-Based Rewards:

Engaging students in interest-based activities, like art studio time, boosted weekly unit completions from 11 to 39 and increased happiness. For six academically trailing students, earning console time for completing lessons helped them catch up within weeks.


Supportive Educational Environment:

Emotional and social support through motivational guidance fostered a positive atmosphere. One student, for instance, doubled their math performance and ranked in the top 1% nationwide.

No doubt about it: Motivation is incredibly important.

By integrating these tailored motivational strategies into our educational framework, we’ve seen marked improvements in academic performance, engagement, and satisfaction. The right answer is always balance and not reliance on only one form of encouragement or conventional solutions. As education evolves, motivation and personalized learning are key to reshaping how we teach. We envision a future where education is tailored to each student’s unique needs and interests, promising a more engaging and effective learning experience for everyone.

Sustained motivation helps beyond the classroom as well, but it has to start in the classroom.

Is your child behind? TAKE OUR ASSESSMENT!